SMILE VILLAGE, A HELPING COMMUNITY – Sponsored by Jamming, Jamms and Teatro Maravillas

A commemorative plaque in Smile Village reminds us that this special community was put together in 2015, thanks to the collaboration between PSE and a Singaporean NGO. The objective of this project? Giving temporary shelter to families from this area who have lost their homes due to floods or the expropriation of land, among other reasons. The 70 or so families that live here must meet the clear standards if they wish to be remain part of it. For example: no weapons or drugs are allowed. If someone does not comply with this code of conduct, they may be expelled after receiving the appropriate warnings.

The Smile Village Smile!

Bright and colourful: a place that makes you smile

A colourful, spacious centre reflecting its unique story!

The life of this community is set around the children’s play area. A colourful and brightly painted  wooden design including a rope, a slide and a wooden swing built by Singaporean volunteers are the main attraction of this beautiful village. A village created with the main priority of protecting kids and families, also PSE’s main priority.
The pastel coloured houses which surround this playground are simple yet sturdy constructions with two floors; a closed and open one giving view over the village. Some even have a small garden where the families can grow plants!

The kids are even smiling whilst waiting in line!

“Children listen to you more here than in other subprogrammes”, Chamroewn

Smile Village is located near the town of Toul Sambor, south of Phnom Penh. On the way there, you notice the striking transition in landscape from city to rural life. You can even spot cows in some of the streets, as well as, many food stalls, a typical reminder you are in Cambodia.

Mike looking content as he watches over the kids, sitting in clean chochuas (lines)

“The summer-programme is part of this village and takes place in the middle of the surrounding houses, like the beating heart of the community. That’s why the atmosphere is so familiar; children are next to their houses and, if something happens, parents can be there instantly,” Mike

A woman and her daughter standing in front of her turquoise home in Smile Village

The two coordinators this year, Mike, Spanish, and Chamroewn, Khmer, talked about their appreciation for these rules saying that the “Children are easier to control than in other subprogrammes,”. Mike also highlights the fact that the entire community surrounds the school, where students attend secondary school during the rest of the year.

A helping community

Help is everywhere here! Even when  building paper planes!

“I love children and teaching them things. Especially the youngest kids!”, Chantrea

Among the children who attend the sub-programme in Smile Village, many of them have just turned 2 or year and are often helped around by their older siblings. Smile is an environment in which you can see help all around you. A collaborative environment in which the children themselves also participate. Chantrea, a 14 year old Khmer volunteer who is also pensionnaire at PSE, works here as a monitor.

Chantrea, a 14 year old pensionnaire and now a monitor at Smile doing a paper plane activity!

He is steaming with energy and talks about his passion for children and his love for the youngest ones, sharing that being part of the team of monitors for the first time is a source of incredible satisfaction and happiness for him.

“Next year we will passing the baccalauréat (end of high school) exam so we cannot volunteer again. We hope to create good memories together here” Karuna, Internat at PSE

Three girls from the PSE Internat, Channak, Karuna and Somnang have lived in the PSE Centre for a long time, and were monitors for that Centre’s summer programme last year. They reflect the PSE mindset, saying they would have loved be put in the same programme but they wouldn’t have been together , so they chose to be in Smile Village: together or nothing.

Somnang ecstatic during a dance in front of the kids

Thanks to the proximity with the families, it is much easier to find helpers for the summer camp, those wishing to cook, clean or remind the children to listen to the monitors. This is the case of the two cooks, Ny and Ty, who have been residents of Smile Village since its creation and hope to be able to move back to th city in a few years.

Slowly but surely

Dental health workshops can be also be fun when you get 15 kids to brush their teeth at the same time !

Mike proudly mentions getting ahead of schedule for daily activities to allow the kids to have free time. When asked about their favorite games, the word water is mentioned many times! A favourite game for all kids . “They really love the water party,” he concludes. However, Smile Village monitors also contribute ideas for equally fun games, even without losing sight of the educational nature of them.

Smile and hugs before fruit Cristina’s fruit bingo activity!

Carmen, for example, teaches groups of all ages how to brush their teeth and which edible products are harmful or beneficial to their oral health. For this she uses the drawings of two teeth, one healthy and smiling, the other with decay and sad. Cristinai’s fruit-vegetable bingo also captures their attention.

Seeing Smile Village, even  just for a day makes your heart warm and ironically does make you smile! The people living there welcome you with a huge grin, one that you cannot help to return!

The sponsors


PSE would like to thank Jamming Teatro , Compañía Jamms and Teatro Maravillas for its financial support and possitive energy to the School Continuity Programme.

A day at the camp